The biopic “Back to Black,” focusing on the life of Amy Winehouse, has been released in cinemas. Directed by Sam Taylor-Johnson, the film stars Marisa Abela as Winehouse and Jack O’Connell as Blake Fielder-Civil, her ex-husband. The film aims to depict key moments in Winehouse’s life, including her performance at the 2008 Glastonbury Festival and her tumultuous relationship with Fielder-Civil.
The production involved shooting in over fifty locations around London to authentically recreate significant events from Winehouse’s life. Sam Taylor-Johnson has described the film not just as a biopic but as a love story, centering on the relationship between Winehouse and Fielder-Civil. Marisa Abela’s portrayal of Winehouse has been noted for capturing the essence of the late singer’s public and private personas.
The film has stirred various reactions. Blake Fielder-Civil, portrayed in the film, described his viewing experience as “therapeutic,” appreciating a representation that he feels shows more accuracy in depicting their relationship’s complexity beyond addiction issues.
“Back to Black” is now showing in theaters, offering audiences a cinematic insight into the life of one of music’s iconic figures, Amy Winehouse.